Iron deficiency in chronic heart failure

If you have been told you have chronic heart failure, it means that your heart is not working well enough to pump the blood your organs, and tissues need around your body. Your heart may have been damaged or weakened by several conditions such as coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, heart valve defects or other factors such as alcohol misuse or viral infection.1 The most common cause of heart failure is coronary artery disease, sometimes known as ischaemic heart disease.2

There are around 6.5 million people with chronic heart failure in Europe and around 5 million in the USA.3 Your risks of having heart failure increase with age, and in particular increase when you are more than 75 years old.3,4

About 50% of heart failure patients have some form of iron deficiency, with and without anaemia.5,6 Iron is essential for the substance haemoglobin which is in your red blood cells, and carries oxygen to your organs. Iron deficiency anaemia develops when your body can no longer make enough red blood cells. If you are suffering from chronic heart failure, there are many reasons why you may also be iron deficient.

  • You may be absorbing less iron from your food into your bloodstream as your gut may be inflamed7.
  • You may not have enough iron in your diet7.
  • Drug interactions  may reduce the amount of iron you absorb7.
  • Medications may also be causing internal bleeding which means that more iron is lost from your body than normal7.

Having iron deficiency can affect your quality of life and even your prognosis8 so it’s important that you talk to your doctor about any concerns you have, or if you think you have signs of iron deficiency. Your doctor will be able to do a blood test to see if you are iron deficient, find out what is causing it and offer you treatment. You can find out more about the symptoms of iron deficiency using the Symptom Browser.

Patient Voice

Patient Voice

I’ve always been active and sociable, and since retiring we’ve joined the gardening club, and book group. We enjoy getting together with friends to play bridge or just catch-up. With so much more free time there is often an occasion for a drink, or to bake a cake for visitors or the grandchildren. So we were always busy enjoying ourselves!

I started to notice that I needed to take things a bit slower, but my heart attack was still a big shock. I was so relieved to be OK that my diagnosis with heart failure didn’t sink in to start with. But, as I was by no means back to my old self, I started to consider more carefully what the doctors had said. We made some changes – less cake and alcohol – and some gentle walks, but I just couldn’t shake this sort of dull feeling in my head. Not only could I not physically do what I wanted, but my mind seemed to be slowing down too. My husband said I was getting grumpy and that maybe I should talk to my doctor. At my next check-up, I mentioned how tired I had been feeling, and they said they would do a simple blood test to check my iron. Turns out I don’t have enough iron, for various reasons, so they are treating that, and I’m following the advice on what foods to eat to get more iron.

I have to be realistic about what I can and can’t do now. We have friends over, but I can’t chat away like I used to because I get breathless, but if I take it easy we still have fun. I also know I will need to schedule in a rest after any activity – no dashing from one thing to the next anymore!

My husband has adapted to his new role as a carer. At first he would barely let me get out of my chair, but now he realises it is good for me to get up and about – I enjoy telling him what needs doing in the garden though! He’s always liked cooking, so between us we can get everything done, and I still have the strength to do the things together we have always enjoyed.

Since my low iron levels have been treated I feel less groggy and more positive about the future. My husband reminds me to focus on each day, listen to my body and be extremely grateful for the life we have been given.
