Time for you

For more information on the role iron plays in your body see Why is iron so important for your health.1

Iron in midlife

As general health has improved, perception of age has changed. Expectations of both work and life have improved and we anticipate being fit and well for longer than ever before.

Studies have shown that iron deficiency is associated with decreased cognitive function,2 particularly concentration and short-term memory,3 which could lead to you being less productive both at work, and in your daily life.4 Importantly though, it has also been shown that treating iron deficiency can improve cognitive symptoms.2

A lack of iron can also impact on your general health. If you have been iron deficient in the past 2 years you are more likely to experience severe exhaustion, lack of vitality and reduced mental and physical well-being.3

Iron and fatigue

A symptom of iron deficiency is fatigue,5 a physical and mental exhaustion that doesn’t go away even if you rest, and that can leave you feeling cranky and listless day after day. You can assess your level of tiredness by using our Fatigue Survey. You can use the results of the Survey to help explain to your doctor how fatigue is affecting your life.


Just as starting your periods was a time of great change for your body, so it its end. The hormone levels that were responsible for the release of an egg every month, start to decrease, and your body lets you know by having hot flushes,6 and disturbed sleep7

As your periods stop, your need for iron decreases.

Keeping healthy iron levels

Making sure you have a healthy diet, will help you get the amount of iron you nevertheless still need.

Even though some of the symptoms of iron deficiency, such as looking pale8 or feeling fatigued5 can be due to other conditions, if you feel you may be suffering from iron deficiency, it is important that you speak to your doctor. Also, certain diseases, such as chronic heart failure9 or cancer10 can put you at a higher risk of iron deficiency. To learn more about the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency you can use our Symptom Browser. For information on iron rich foods, and the best food combinations to optimise iron absorption see Choosing your food wisely.


Take care of yourself and enjoy this time for you.
